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Princess Celestia
on January 10, 2018
No matter how many times Celestia read her little sister's favorite book, it never got old. Sure she read this book to her all the time when she was a little filly because she knew how much Luna enjoyed it, but as the years went by Luna grew up and was an adult now. Tonight there was no exception, Celestia put her little sister to bed, she might not have wanted to go to bed just yet, but Celestia closed her eyes and she held a book with her magic, she cleared her throat and she began to read it to her little sister. "The little star that could. There once was a little star who had just been born." She kept on reading the book to her little sister.
Dimension: 1024 x 640
File Size: 61.53 Kb
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Prince Carey
*Flies up to the window to listen in*
Like January 10, 2018
Princess Luna
I took that Spider from the nightmare night festival those years ago
Like January 10, 2018