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Name: Chrysalla
Age: 20
Race: Changeling +1 Mimicry, +1 Sneak, -1 Stamina, -1 Big Weapons
Level: 4
Affinity: Luck
Relationships: Karani (Marefriend)
Perks: LUCKY PONY: Sometimes you avoid an attack entirely. Not sure how it just happens. (Once per session, take a free success on a defense roll.)
Main Skills: Diplomacy (Seduction) +1, Mimicry +1, Barter +1, Perception +2
Weak Skills: Traps -1, Gambling -1, Explosives -1, Stamina -1
HP: 18
Affection: 100/100
Sanity: 73/80
Character Advantages: friendly - NPCs have better reactions to chrysalla
Character Flaws: Gullible - falls for bluffs/lies easier
Mementos: Rhodon (The Blood of Steel - After getting wounded, you will gain armor for each hit. Especially effective against weapons like SMGs or Miniguns). (Base Damage Reduction 10%, 2% more reduction per time hit (up to 10 times) lasts until end of combat)
Magical Affinity: Healing
Magic: heal (2d6 health)
"Caduceus" Suppressed 10mm Pistol (12/12) - 1d8, short range, 60/60 durability, Small Guns
Basic Health Potion
225 caps
Trait: GOOD NATURED: You prefer solving problems with your wits and words. +2 to Diplomacy, Medical, Science, Repair, and Lockpick. -2 to Brawl, Melee, Guns, Magical Weapons, and Explosives.
Physical Description: Chrysalla is a small-ish, blue maned changeling of the Rhodon hive.
Mental Description: Chrysalla is a kind, caring and outgoing changeling, willing to help anyone that needs it.
Bio: Chrysalla was born of a changeling mother and father. she was very much a mother's foal, clinging to her for comfort and support until she was 17 when she decided to leave her hive in a pursuit of friendship and adventure. for the short time that she was out in the wasteland, she was ridiculed for being " to nice" being told to " toughen up" littlepip/rainbow dash This character is owned by this person right here, I am just advertising that I now have the rights to put this character into my story if anyone else wishes to be in my story I can accept that.
309 x 400
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205.49 Kb
1 person liked this.

Oh so THAT is how a character sheet is made
January 14, 2018

Princess Bluemoon
Well, they gave me the character and are allowing me to use her in my story.
January 14, 2018

Marix Vanponsing
Ohh my... that's bigger than mine
March 28, 2018