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| Role-play | This Is just a something I wanted to do for one of my long known friends.| Done by me."Things have seemed In the doubt,But you were always there to help me fix them. I didn't know how great having you for a best friend could be,And I just wanted to say thanks for having my back In the worst. You really haven't needed to assist to me,But you done so either way,Beside the way I acted."
In Album: Friends & 4 friends
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Queen Lesa
"No sweat, Rainbow." The ivory mare smiled happily as she looked at the snow. "It's always important to help others out in a time of need, I was more than happy to help."
January 16, 2018

Rainbow Dash
"I'm sure glad you did!" The pegasus remarked with a point from the hoof. "I think you did a great thing back there,I'm always thankful for the ponies I have In my life If most,Well..Anything really!"
January 16, 2018

Princess Bluemoon
//I'm confused :/
January 16, 2018