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Princess Celestia
on January 18, 2018
"This song doesn't get old~"
Dimension: 800 x 800
File Size: 1.65 Mb
5 people like this.
Princess Luna
"Get back to work"
Like January 19, 2018
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Princess Celestia
"All of them~ but if you don't wanna groove to that. Then we could groove to this and at the end I'll give my little sister a huge hug."
Like January 19, 2018
Princess Luna
"Ah yes, this is the song to settle down too"
Like January 19, 2018
Princess Celestia
"Then it's settled." The Sun Goddess smiled happily at her little sister before giving her a huge hug.
Like January 19, 2018
Princess Luna
Luna wraps her hooves around her sister, pretending her hooves couldn't reach all the way around. "Goodness sister, you are getting a little large"
Like January 19, 2018
Princess Celestia
"Maybe I should cut back on the cake, it really goes to your hips." Celestia laughed softly, she had no problem at all reaching all the way around her little sister's body.
Like January 19, 2018
Kelly Softwing
wait wouldn't that be bad for celestia? I mean people would be stepping on them
Like January 19, 2018
Prince Carey
Carey joins in with the dance.
Like January 19, 2018