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Crimson Night
January 6, 2018
29 votes 344 views
1 person liked this.
Iris Bépís
900+ on Asseto Corsa, as well as 1000+ on War Thunder. (Naval Forces is best gamemode)
Like January 7, 2018 Edited
Dark Arts
Damn, I wanna play Naval Forces.
Like January 7, 2018
Iris Bépís
I love it so much. I haven't reached any high BR levels on it just yet, I've just been kinda running Tank PR with my Black Prince.
Like January 7, 2018
Dark Arts
Ive had to play WoWS instead.
Like January 7, 2018
I played Black Ops 3 zombies WAY too much.
Like January 7, 2018
Nova Sunshine
I don't have recorded my hours in SMITE and World of Tanks (way back in the day). Both were 2500+. Getting close to 1k on PUBG, will probably be there before the end of spring.
Like January 7, 2018
I have like 85 hours on Splatoon 2
Like January 7, 2018