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Aurora Cassiopeia
May 1, 2018
25 votes 252 views
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Common Sense
There definitely are some wrong answers here... Plead the fifth. OwO
Like May 1, 2018 Edited
Aurora Cassiopeia
Pones can feed themselves, and I'm sure they don't expect you to be perfect anyway. :3
Like May 1, 2018
They were a trip but I choose anyways xD
Like May 1, 2018
Cloudchaser ~
Like May 1, 2018
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I love Cloudchaser but let's not forget Flitter too. ;)
Like May 1, 2018
Aurora Cassiopeia
Yes!! I was sad after reading 'Broken Hearts and Diamonds' though.. Poor Flitter..
Like May 1, 2018
People just don't give her any attention because of Cloudchaser. But I love Flitter equally.
Like May 1, 2018
But what if I was real. I would swap bodies in a heart beat.
Like May 1, 2018 Edited
lewd them :3
Like May 6, 2018