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City Bread
June 13, 2018
16 votes 379 views
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Stardusk Strider
I've had milk from a plastic jug for the longest time. I just think it's more practical either way (can you even seal those molk bags after you open them?)
Like June 13, 2018
Ephemeria Spring
does bottle cover cartons because if so i feel bad that milk bags are pitted against every other possible way of containing milk into the other option. it's like being bullied and made to stand out as the odd one, i imagine it must hurt for milk bags to be separated like that. think of its feelings
Like June 13, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
Milk bags are better than the rest, so I'd say it's balanced
Like June 13, 2018
Milk in a bag makes a lot of sense, if you ask me.
Like June 13, 2018
Glass bottled milk. Bag and carton milk leave the milk tasting like old fridge. Glass bottles keep it fresh.
Like June 13, 2018
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My fridge right now is decent but we've had very old fridges in the past and it's a memory from my childhood that I will most likely never get over hahah, tasting fridge milk ew. I do think however that glass bottles are the better alternative, because bags are still made out of plastic. Glass is ea... View More
Like June 13, 2018
Sweden has such an advanced recycling industry when it comes to stuff like paper and cardboard. Basically everything is reused, so it's not a big problem if the milk is in a carton.
Like June 13, 2018
City Bread
"The bags are easily cleaned and can be used for other purposes" It'd seem much easier to clean a plastic jug/bottle since it's static and won't collapse on itself, unlike a flimsy plastic bag. Other purposes? Like what? Suffocation? ... View More
Like June 13, 2018 Edited