Adrian Coalhopper
December 10, 2017
57 votes 447 views
2 people like this.
i only hate it because i can't use the mobile version of the site so all i see when i go to canterlotavenue dot com is your lame faces with a buncha meaningless numbers and a menu button that doesn't work >:(
Like December 10, 2017
First the header picture and now the mobile site, nothing is going right for Charlie. :(
Like December 10, 2017
i jsut want a working cover photo and mobile site and like $5 mil in my bank account
Like December 10, 2017
15k will get you nowhere in life :(
Like December 10, 2017
I said this on a post yesterday. It starts with a prod, then ends in an air raid.
Like December 10, 2017
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Schwoopy, he wasn't saying it can't be talked about, he was replying to someone saying "It is a problem because lots of people are talking about it".
Like December 10, 2017
Schwoopy Tail
He seemed to imply that something needs to 'warrant' talking to be talked about. Which isn't really the case. Heck, this poll didn't even particularly need to get so many votes. But it did somehow. So even if it's not an important point it's at least worthwhile to some people to. As I said to Phoeni... View More
Like December 10, 2017 Edited
The OP was saying that it was always a problem and it just needed someone to bring it up for people to start talking about it. Trying using the popularity of this poll as "proof" that somehow this is a big problem. Which doesn't make any sense, and Ryker was refuting that by saying that it wasn't ... View More
Like December 10, 2017
It's gotten to the point where when someone comments, it's almost impossible to find. :')
Like December 10, 2017
Schwoopy Tail
She shouldn't. Harassment isn't allowed outright and I told her earlier that if it happens she should inform staff immediately.
Like December 10, 2017