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September 19, 2018
19 votes 343 views
Hi, Comp here for CA Dev. Just pick an option based on your preference based on sensibility, intuition, and user experience.
Option 1:
Option 2:
1 person liked this.
Maizzey Starr
is the spacing between icons in option 2 intentional? that's what setting me off on it but im not sure if it was meant to be portrayed or if it would be even spacing like normal when it's implemented. :eyes:
Like September 19, 2018
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Though it may be difficult to reach the other buttons.
Like September 19, 2018
Maizzey Starr
hmm. i just find it odd to single out im's. in my head the only oddball is friends; you could single that one to the side, whereas ims, pms, and wall notifs are a good trio. i would maybe center the three and keep the other off to the side next to the pfp, if i implemented option 2. search overrides... View More
Like September 19, 2018 Edited
Singling out friends is a good suggestion. The whole reason this poll was made is to see if placing the IM icon directly next to the PM icon would be confusing.
Like September 19, 2018
Ephemeria Spring
if that bell changes place i'm triggered
Like September 19, 2018
But you voted for the bell to change place.
Like September 19, 2018
Ephemeria Spring
as in, staying to the right of the row of three icons. .3.
Like September 19, 2018
So maintaining that trio?
Like September 19, 2018
I would like option 2 if it didn’t have the space. I cannot vote on this cause it triggers my OCD.
Like September 19, 2018
Pretend it wasn't there.
Like September 19, 2018
Lula Vieve
i like the spacing between the im and the other blips
Like September 19, 2018