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3 votes 75 views
Ok I love doing these and you guys love it so here another one....good luck
Your stuck with some king(probably king Richard) in the Arabian desert you have no food little water and only your own wits would you.....
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Orion Pink
Walk aimlessly around
Like November 21, 2018
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
*You see and oasis and walk towards it then you run towards it you expell all your energy and you and king Richard both collapse of exhaustion you’ve survived 7 hours*
Like November 21, 2018
Orion Pink
Should've killed Wilson when I had the chance
Like November 21, 2018
i'd walk through the desert, because buggo boi can eat King Richard's love
Like November 21, 2018
Lula Vieve
I eat the plant
Like December 3, 2018