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Ambient Waves
February 6, 2020
28 votes 293 views
You heard me.
What is the best flavour milk out of all 3.
3 people like this.
Mina May Marzipan
why is plain milk not an option ;-;
Like February 6, 2020
Ambient Waves
Cause plain milk isn't flavoured!
Like February 6, 2020
Mina May Marzipan
But it's good! ;-;
Like February 6, 2020
Stardusk Strider
Plain milk gang
Like February 6, 2020
Absinthe Noir
Like February 6, 2020
Ambient Waves
This pone knows what's up!
Like February 6, 2020
Ephemeria Spring
strawberry and banana don't get enough credit
Like February 6, 2020
Ephemeria Spring
like heck, gimme banana any day
Like February 6, 2020
Ambient Waves
Mainly banana gets no credit, cause I am unsure if it's Australian thing only ;w;
Like February 6, 2020
Thunder Riff
Banana milk just sounds wrong
Like February 6, 2020
Ambient Waves
Sounds bad, yes Tastes good AF, hell yes.
Like February 6, 2020