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Rainbow Dash
January 2, 2018
942 views 43 plays
Seriously,This Is just for fun. Nothing too major or harm. No biggie,Anyone(pony) Is more than free to attend.
-Sort a easy. & Awesome at that ^ ^
Who's the Wonderbolt's founder(s)?
What REALLY are Wonderbolts?
Who's the Bolts current head In command?
Which Bolt eventually retired?
What were the Wonderbolts formally called? (Used to,Doesn't sinceraly count or apply as of recent) -Random
What's the team opposites?
Last: Random) Which Bolt member adores P I E? -Idunno
5 people like this.
im just sayin
Like February 25, 2018
Snow Storm
Aayy 100% buddyyy
Like February 25, 2018
Rainbow Dash
AYE!!!! Niceee x3
Like February 26, 2018
Solar Blaze
28 i‘m shitty
Like February 26, 2018
Rough Winds
What REALLY are Wonderbolts? "They are a bunch of dweebs."
Like March 12, 2018