I am holding a party in the Town Square with pinkie pie and I want you to come to my party because, I want one princess to come to my party, and after that I want you to come to my friend's baby shower (don't forget the presents for the baby) and of course the trip to the rainbow factory.:rd_sunglasses::ninjadash:
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The jokes that sonic performed in front of everybody were so funny. He added a few addons to his jokes and also a few movements too which made everyone like him more than their Canterlot duties. I want you to calm down the Canterlot ponies for a couple of moments so I can talk to the crowd about the speech I was pre[aring for till today.
love, Amy Rose
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I can't wait for my friend sonic to perform on the stage at the gala, he is kind of scared performing a joke show in a front of a crowd but I wish you were there to see this. it will be a pleasure for you to come to check it out, Sonic has been practicing saying jokes to me and the mane 6 last week and he did a great job telling them, we even laughed at his jokes. If you can't come I am also thinking to make a video of him saying jokes and send it to you by email.
Your biggest fan, Amy Rose...
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