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Rapid Miles

Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on January 13
Misc. RP Information
Confused Sexually
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Royal Guard Barracks, Enjoying his free time
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Light Brown
Eye Color
Light Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Rapid Miles' mane and tail color is dark pink and black. His coat is light brown, and his eyes are light blue. He is 12.5 stone (175 lbs), 11 Apples (3’6”) tall, and his wingspan is about 15 Apples (5 ft) across, wingtip to wingtip. He is normally seen wearing a baggy dark purple hoodie with the hood over his head or a black beanie on. If it’s daytime, expect to see aviator sunglasses on his eyes, since his eyes are very sensitive to the sunlight (and because he feels aviators are the only style... View More
Food, Video Games, Animated Movies
Social Events, Loud Ponies, Being alone
Detailed Personality
Rapid is an introvert and would rather spend his time at home on his computer than at a wild party of Pinkie’s (even though he has a “thing” for Pinkie). He has a difficult time holding an interesting conversation with ponies or other beings without the “mask” of work. He will stutter, mess up mid-sentence, or just flat out lose his train of thought if he does not think over exactly what to say for at least a minute or so. Even then, his delivery is not always spot on. He sometimes has spouts of... View More
Royal Guard
Las Pegasus
Some College
Detailed History
Rapid Miles was born from two ponies, a male pegasus named Cirrus, and a female earth pony named Phantasia. He didn’t know much about his parents other than their name and species. He was left at an orphanage when he was a colt, but was quickly adopted by an mare unicorn and a transmare pegasus couple. The three of them seemed to move pretty frequently until he started high school, mostly due to one of his mother’s jobs. Throughout high school, Rapid had a hard time making good friends. He did h... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
None / About 10,000 Bits / None
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Unknown to him
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 13
Last Login:
September 27, 2019
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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