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Common locations your character will be
In the city.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Pale blue-gray
Eye Color
Green. One is gray due to his injury.
Design Description
Alphonse is tall, slender, and fit. He has a sort of regal stride about him, and carries himself highly among others. He has no fur tuft on the head, opting for a smooth cut between the ears.
Order, respect, fancy food, fencing, conversing
Petty criminals, insubordination, The Storm King
Detailed Personality
Although Alphonse carries himself well and thinks highly of his position, he is known as a kind and considerate individual. Abyssinians like himself can be seen as devious and cunning, and although these things are true, Alphonse's alignment would be closer to lawful good. He wants the best for whoever he works for, and whatever cause he supports, and will likely die fighting to defend what's his.
Royal Defence Advisor of Abyssinia
Arms and Trade Academy of Abyssinia.
Assets / Bits / Property
He used to work for the King and Queen of Abyssinia, but after Abyssinia fell to the Storm King, he fled in an attempt to garner support for a counter attack. Right now he owns little more than the clothes on his person and a few coins from his homeland.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Being of Royal upbringing, he has learned many skills and talents. These include a wide range of skills from fencing and ballroom dancing to espionage and close combat.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 21, 1993
Last Login:
April 18, 2024
Member Since:
March 23, 2019
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