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Seabreeze Maelstrom

Female. Lives in  Maretime Bay,  Equestria. Born on March 27, 1996
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
On her ship, at sea, or at her land office working.
Skin / Coat Color
Silver and dark gray
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A tornado over waves
Design Description
Seabreeze is a tall, pegasus mare with aqua colored eyes and what some may describe as an 'inverted' coat. She is primarily silver with dark grey markings from her face to her underbelly, and matching hooves. She has dark grey primary feathers.
Her eyes are aqua.
Her black and white mane is longer than her tail by about a foot, and she wears a blue sparkling bow in each, a subtle nod to her love for the ocean when the skies are clear and bright.
Storms, surfing, the beach, the rain
Being inside. The Cloudsdale Weather Factory
Detailed Personality
Seabreeze is a fun, easy-going mare, with a passion for her work. Storms have been her obsession since she was a filly.
She can be a bit crude or short-tempered when she is focused on her work. Or when Cloudsdale come up.
She can get overexcited and 'nerd' out about different weather phenomena.
Seabreeze can be incredibly awkward in social settings. She gets very nervous and fidgety.
Oceanic weather analyst. Part-time Lifeguard.
Cloudsdale (birthplace)
Graduated from Cloudsdale University with a degree in weather science.
Detailed History
Ever since she was a filly born and raised in Cloudsdale, Seabreeze 'Breeze' Maelstrom had always been fascinated with the cause and effect of storms, specifically, the ones that occur naturally from wind and air pressures over the ocean. On one annual trip to the famous Cloudsdale Weather Factory, Seabreeze was disappointed to find that the pegasi only focus or care about the storms THEY make to local Equestria, and not anywhere else in the world. Seabreeze surprised the tour guide with her own... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small boat she lovingly refers to as The Lightning Rod (with a full story behind it)
A studio apartment near the beach.
A storm tracking station she calls The Stormwatch Tower
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Highly intelligent.
A powerful flyer. Can withstand and even fly against 50+ MPH winds.
A capable navigator, with both modern and primitive methods.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 27, 1996
Last Login:
December 1, 2023
Member Since:
October 18, 2023
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