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Vy Thresh

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on October 10, 1996
Misc. RP Information
|| Hey! Please don't think poorly of me because my oc tends to be blunt, even rude. I promise you I don't mean any disrespect <3
Another little note, don't fucking godmod with me. "But you're godmodding!"Yeah no, not really. I do admit this character is stronger than quite a few though, deal with it or don't. You have your strengths and I have mine. This is actually one of the few 'strong' characters I have.
-rp type-
Alright, let's sort this out. Here's why I'll say no to 90% of dm rp requests, ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot, Neighagra Falls, Celestial Sea
Skin / Coat Color
Don't say it
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Tiger Shark
Sushi, ice cream, rainy autumn nights, lurking, staring
Hugs, litter, mom, dry weather
Detailed Personality
|| Hey again! I wasn't gonna say anything but... why not; I'll explain a little. I follow the principles of iceberg roleplaying. What's that mean? It's not my job to write a big boring character info page that nobody will read. Like an iceberg, most of it isn't visible on a surface level. If you want to see how much there is then it's your job to dive in.
You want a taste? Fine... I relent. Vy has mommy issues.
Bouncer for the Turnip Lounge
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 10, 1996
Last Login:
December 9, 2024
Member Since:
March 30, 2019
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