Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Mostly any large or medium-sized city or town.
Title(s) / Rank
THE It Mare
Skin / Coat Color
Light blue
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A sparkle/star with a blue ribbon, like a shooting star.
Design Description
A tall (think Fluer De Lis) Pegasus mare with a light blue coat, which is lighter around her hooves, flank and ears and darker at her wings. Her eyes are golden, and she has thick eyelashes. Her hair is a much lighter blue, and wavy. She commonly wears a pearl choker.
Chatting/social events, fashion, casual flying, cats, readin
Loud ponies, bad-etiqutte, mud, summer
Detailed Personality
Velvet Wishes is kind, realistically optimistic, (gently) brutally honest, extroverted, loyal, playful. She's slightly afraid of commitment, but this is mostly overpowered by her love for meeting other ponies, having fun and making memories.
model & b or c tier celeb
Average? Studied generally in Cloudsdale, but was never academic so only studied to graduate.
Detailed History
Born and raised in central Cloudsdale, Velvet was a well-behaved filly, if a bit of a rukebreaker when she felt that the rules weren't reasonable. She found her passion in styling clothes and modeling after she was chosen to model a fashion collection for one of the smaller designers in her town.
Assets / Bits / Property
A flat in Canterlot, as well as many, many accessories and outfits.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Velvet has a good eye for fashion and aesthetics, is a good model and also capable of teaching other ponies etiquette et cetera. Surprisingly, in addition to her charisma, she's definitely a could salespony and could sell a fish to water.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 31, 2008
Last Login:
January 7, 2024
Member Since:
January 4, 2024
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