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Female. Lives in  Tall Tale,  Equestria. Born on July 18, 1988
Misc. RP Information
GENERAL INFO (real life stuff):
I am insanely busy!
~~~My jobs typically work 6 or 7 days a week, 8-12 hours a day, unless I don't have a contract going on.
I also have a family!
~~~My time is split up between job, family and internet. So, not a lot of time.
I have sleep deprivation! (And more!)
~~~Due to many bad things that have happened in my life, I have issues with sleeping. So what free time I do have will most likely be sporadic as hel... View More
Common locations your character will be
Local espresso bar, home
Design Description
~~~CUTIE MARK (cuz the actual section doesn't allow for very many characters)~~~
Red heart with small flames radiating from the top.
Jackie herself does not quite understand what it means. She noticed it after waking up after spending the night with her high school sweetheart. Honestly, she thinks it makes her look like a biker and she hates that. The day after she gained it, she begged her parents not to make her go to school. That was a fun filled day.
In reality, it signifies her desire to make ... View More
Detailed Personality
Jackie is very open-minded. She always speaks her mind and means what she says. Contrary to her carefree/laidback attitude, every word she says is carefully thought out. While she does not approve of 'sugarcoating' what she has to say, if it meant she would lose a friend in the process, then sugarcoat she shall, if the friend is worth it.
Jackie is comfortable with her body. She knows that she's heavier than most mares; she also knows that she's stronger than most mares. She loves the feeling of ... View More
Electrician (would rather make coffee for a living)
Hayseed Swamps
High School diploma
Some college (no degree)
On-the-job training and certificates
Detailed History
Jackie grew up in a small town between the Hayseed Swamps and Baltimare. She was born to a earth pony mother and a unicorn father. Their family, like the others around them, were financially lower class, but they had the necessities taken care of, with enough left over for a little splurging once or twice a year. Her childhood was pretty standard: few friends around, not much excitement and plenty of places to explore... as long as they didn't get too close to the swamps.
Jackie was a late bloome... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Studio apartment (renting)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 18, 1988
Last Login:
May 4, 2018
Member Since:
April 20, 2018
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