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Male. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on December 7, 1995
Misc. RP Information
I'm open to doing any RP, save for ERP. I'll rp up to where they characters are about to engage in the act, (like them cuddling, making-out, etc) but then we'll time skip to after they've finished.
For relationships, I don't like just starting RPs with "oh hey, our characters are dating and have been for x long." That just.. isn't fun. Unless we've done a lot of OOC talk about how it'd go and be like and all that jazz. Other than that, I prefer easing into relationships. Friendships are okay to b... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Dragonlands, Crystal Empire
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Pale, low saturated purple
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Can't get one. Does have a few dragon scales there, though
Design Description
Being just shy of Princess Luna's height, Jule has a lean, but sturdy build to him. He's a little bit stronger than most give him credit for, especially when it comes to his tail; he's able to carry most full-grown creatures with somewhat ease if they're his size.
His eyes also tend to have a slight "glow" to them. They reflect just about any light to a small degree, like a crystal/gem would, but don't have an actual glow to them.
His coat is fairly short compared to other ponies, having an almost... View More
Crystals/gems, anything Crystal Empire related, rock candy
Really spicy things, not being taken seriously
Detailed Personality
Jule tends to reflect the atmosphere of the area. If the room/area is upbeat and happy, he's a little bubbly and relaxed. If things are somber and sad, he'll stay mostly quiet but attempt to cheer up the person/people in a respectable manner. Other than that, he mostly tries to keep himself from being the center of attention and just blend in to the background.
He does, however, seem to have a slight air of high class/royalty about him no matter what, mostly in his posture, how he treats others, ... View More
Crystal/Gem Charm Maker. Freelancer
Crystal Empire
Detailed History
Birth to Age 7: [REDACTED]
Age 7: Around this age, the Crystal War happened, sending Jule's life into a bit of a chaotic mess. As he and his mother fled from the city, she got badly injured. Not wanting to leave her child to die in the snowy tundra, they took shelter in a small cave about a mile from the city that overlooked it. At around this moment, the Crystal Empire had been banished, sealed away for it's 1000 year slumber. Linking the spell with the return of the Empire, Jule's mother encase... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Owns a decent sized home on the border of the Everfree Forest, closer to the Ghastly Gorge than Ponyville. It's a two bedroom, one bath with a workshop/studio room. The living room, kitchen and dinning area are all in one room. It's fairly rustic, due to him having built it by hoof, with a lot of wood textures and accents of crystals throughout.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He has a great talent relating to crystals. He's able to help them form/grow at a rapid pace, control their size and shape, and has the ability to turn them into enchanted charms that can have a wide variety of uses and affects to them. He's also able to blend in with shadows and darkness fairly well, making it easy for him to slip in or out of a situation if people aren't aware of their surroundings.
Mostly basic spells like levitation, minor healing, light casting. Knows other spells, but rarely uses them in front of others.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 7, 1995
Last Login:
June 16, 2022
Member Since:
October 18, 2018
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