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Boreal Breeze

Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on January 8, 1995
Misc. RP Information
I'm not terribly picky about roleplaying. I don't mind if your spelling is off sometimes, nor your grammar. As long as you are coherent and putting some mild effort into the roleplay, I'll likely respond.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
His Workplace, "Icestounding"
Title(s) / Rank
Artisan Ice Sculptor (Masters)
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Sky Blue
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Swan Sculpture (Ice)
Design Description
In terms of physical appearance, Boreal Breeze is a taller-than-average stallion. His coat is a dark, sky blue color. His eyes and mane have the same main color, being a more cyan color, with his mane and short tail having white highlights.
Sometimes he can be seen wearing his hat, which is a small, purple stovepipe hat! (Think the Willy Wonka remake hat, only smaller.) When he is not wearing it, one can easily see his unkempt and messy mane. He's not entirely keen on making it nice and neat... View More
Spicy Food
Detailed Personality
Boreal is as laid back and relaxed as you could imagine. He isn't hesitant to meet new friends and will always hold a hoof out to greet you. He doesn't like to toot his horn when it comes to his works, and will often just shrug when given a compliment about his sculptures. He can tend to be a flirt at times when he finds a gal he warms up to, and usually takes a liking to guards for some reason. He enjoys being cozy, be it on his couch, bed, or even in a hot tub, he's always looking for the ... View More
Ice Sculptor
Crystal Mountains
Detailed History
Boreal began his life in the Crystal Mountains. A harsh, blizzard and snow-ridden landscape with little to no life worth speaking of. However, somewhere in this barren, icy wasteland lay a small little village. Probably yielding the only light you'd ever see spare the moon if you were ever traversing this place. This is where Boreal lived, and where Boreal was to discover his talent: Being an Ice Sculptor.
In his earlier years. Boreal wasn't tasked to do much. He would occasionally have to ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
About his home:
Boreal lives closest to the mountain on which Canterlot resides. Luckily for him, the ice found on Canterlot Mountain is just as mystically pleasing as the ice in the Crystal Mountains. He will occasionally take ventures to the peak to get large amounts of ice to bring it back to his home, where he stores it in a large, underground freezer. His home resembles that of a very homely, two-story wooden house surrounded by pine trees. Inside you will find a large fireplace, hardwoo... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
About his work:
Boreal takes his job and hobby very seriously; and is more than grateful for the gifts and talents he has been given. He uses his magic to control multiple chisels and hammers at once, allowing him to work on his sculptures at three times the pace while maintaining the steadiest "hand" imaginable. If you're looking to meet him, the best way is to meet him at his shop: "Icestounding", where you will most likely find him working on his latest project. If he's working on something... View More
His main spell is enchanting his sculptures so that they don't melt. With this spell, he is able to sell his sculptures year-round, it also makes them more desirable!
Other uncommon spells he tends to use mostly involve temperature. He can keep himself warm in cold environments if a jacket is not being worn.
Otherwise he tends to use basic spells like levitating objects and the like. He's open to learning more spells, though!
What is perhaps his most valuable spell, is one that he cannot cast.... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 8, 1995
Last Login:
December 16, 2021
Member Since:
March 21, 2018
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