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Caramella Seashell

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Female. Lives in  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. 24 years old
Misc. RP Information
I will only be looking for people that want to tell their story. Seashell is your go-to secondary! Help write her story by writing yours.
So, please don't DM me unless you are willing to follow these rules. I will not be accepting every person that asks. Thank you.
Rules are necessary to keep things in line. So we are all happy when it comes to choices.
1. Narrative only. No asterisk RP.
2. No ERP. This character will be RESERVED for whoever wishes to RING her.
3. No controlling her. Please. Discuss ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
The Big Screen someday! On stage!
Title(s) / Rank
Aspiring Actress | Singer
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cotton-Candy Pink
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Slice of Life, Romance, MLP Only, Anthro, Feral
Design Description
She's just under average in size. Looking up at most ponies she talks to. She is very slim.
Mane/Tail colors between blanched almond and stripes of cotton candy pink. Her mane always stylized to be big and poofy.
A pink flower can always be seen in her mane.
She wears a summer hat.
Pink thigh-high socks.
Singing | Movies | Flowers | Spring and Autumn
Bloody Things | Cursing | Stalkers | Too Hot/Cold
Detailed Personality
Sugary-Sweet, caring mare with normal hopes and dreams.
Actress? Sweet Heart? Singer? Yes, yes, and yes!
Fillydelphia Film Academy FFA
Fillydelphia School of Musical Arts FSMA
Detailed History
Growing up as a wannabe actress isn't easy. She'd always had talent in singing, and never really needed classes to method act. It came naturally to her. Her love for bringing characters to life, to make others laugh or cry, happy or sad, love and even hate. Because it was never her acting they disliked, she just played really good villains. Though her favorite is always background supporting roles.
"What better way to make others shine than to brighten them with your light?"
Grew ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
B Class Actress with a cozy little apartment, saved up bits, and normal furnishing.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Actor in training
Basic Info
Last Login:
March 14, 2025
Member Since:
October 19, 2022
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