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Female. Lives in pensacola,  Equestria. Born on June 10, 1996
Misc. RP Information
"Hello friends my name is Dito." Dito smiled softly as she spoke in her unnaturally alluring voice. "I left my whole hive behind after the, shall we say, events befalling that damnable wedding night." As she speaks she sighs. "Maybe it's about time to come out and be a functional part of this pony society we live in."
// On this I would like to night I've only seen up to the middle of season 4 as I have been quite busy and put the fandom on hold before.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
She tends to hang around the clubs in manehattan
Skin / Coat Color
Jet black
Eye Color
A soft blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Writing quill (disguised) None (true self)
Design Description
// she's a softy who likes to write about her experiences and drink the sauce. She wants to make friends but has been hiding from society for years, so she's afraid she will not be accepted by anyone but me.
Writing, love, liquor and cheesecake
Rudeness, hatefulness, and carrot cake.
Graduate from hive class A.
Assets / Bits / Property
She lives in a rundown Manehatten appartment. But has enough to live off and still have her fun.
Can teleport (mid-range)
Change into any pony form
Can use telekinesis
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 10, 1996
Last Login:
March 28, 2019
Member Since:
May 16, 2018
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