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Male. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on May 19, 2003
Misc. RP Information
While I have marked open, please understand that I have work so I won't always be able to reply right away.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, possible Canterlot
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Violet
Eye Color
Deep Pink
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Cheshire's cutie mark is a magic burst that matches his mane
Design Description
Cheshire is a purple unicorn buck with a green mane and pink eyes. He wears a pair of earrings on his left ear and usually has a red and black trimmed bandana around his neck. Also his teeth consist of flat teeth to chew plants and sharp pointed teeth for things like fish and vermin. In the dark, his mane, irises, teeth, and coat will faintly glow. His coat will also glow different colors if he's listening to music. (His cutie mark isn't shown mainly do to me using pony town to make him. They do... View More
Mischief, pranks, music, apples, cats, food, comedy
Being bored
Detailed Personality
Cheshire is a prankster almost by virtue. He will often pull pranks on others and likes when someone pulls one on him. It is good to note though that he is also a pickpocket and will take unsecured bits since he doesn't have any job qualifications, or he will out right sneak stuff from vendors while they aren't looking. He also tends to do cat type things such as hopping onto wall tops and walking along them. He it comes to relationships, he won't admit it, but intimate love scares him, but he i... View More
Downtown Canterlot
Just the basics unless street knowledge counts
Detailed History
Cheshire was dumped at an orphanage not very long after being born by a mother who was unprepared to have and care for a child. Because of this, he never knew his parents. Not very long after turning eleven, he ran off from the orphanage and has managed to evade them till the stopped looking for him. During that time, he was adopted by the street cats and has developed a food palette that is omnivorous. He has also learned some notable spells such as teleporting, and walking on walls and ceiling... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
No true assets or property to his name. And in the ways of bits, just make sure you have yours very close and secured while you're out and about.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Pranks, pickpocketing, parkour, teleporting, and wall/ceiling walking.
Levitation, teleporting, and wall/ceiling walking.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 19, 2003
Last Login:
June 25, 2022
Member Since:
May 9, 2022
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