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Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Dark blue white capped waves
Design Description
A thin raven black stallion with a navy blue mane and tail that is on the tall side. A long, silver horn protrudes from his forehead ending in a sharp point that seems to shine whenever light hits it. Piercing violet eyes that often seem annoyed or at the very least inconvenienced. His mane is a deep navy blue like the seas at night, and is quite long as is his tail. It is well cared for with very few split ends and seems to naturally flutter in even the gentlest of breezes. His long, slender le... View More
Quiet, Peace, Rain, Order
Large groups, foolishness, playing around too much
Detailed Personality
One of the Royal Princes of the Island of Maréire and son of Queen Maev. Sainglend spends most of his time reading by the seaside. When bored, he accompanies fishing ships in the place of Druids to use his magic to calm the rough seas around the island. His personality is like the sea itself, sometimes calm, tepid, and other times fierce and in no mood for anypony or anything. Since the assumed loss of his brother Prince Liath, Sainglend has become even more of a introvert since he's grown. He's... View More
Royally Educated.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 11, 1995
Last Login:
June 30, 2021
Member Since:
December 20, 2018
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