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Male. Lives in Ponyvile,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on August 13, 2002
Common locations your character will be
His Studio/HouseOn a hill in a field and wandering the town.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
A Deep blue
Eye Color
A light blue almost matching his mane's outer color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A cloud with a soaring winged pencil
Design Description
A deep blue Pegasus with a 3 color mane consisting of a light blue surrounding a black middle with a cutiemark of a cloud and soaring pencil Cloud also happens to have glasses and light blue eyes and a resting expression of content.
An interesting fact about cloud is that while he is a stallion he Is quite short (About 3/4 the height of the average mare) as well as looking and sounding very much like a mare and has been mistaken for a mare on more than one occasion
Art, Calm and scenic views, and all kinds of music.
Conflict, Sudden Loud Sounds, awkward situations.
Detailed Personality
CloudDasher a very calm and laid back Pegasus that likes to show the beauty of the world through his art though he is often held back from interacting with other ponies due to his fears anxiety and extreme skiddishnes brought on by his unorthodox upbringing.
Self tought artist with only a few years of formal art schooling
Detailed History
CloudDasher was born somewhere in the Everfree forest to two unknown pony's around the same time of the mane six's births and while many other pony's had normal lives CloudDasher had no such luck for not long after his birth he was abandoned just on the edge of the Everfree near ponyville with nothing but a scarf presumably from his parents and as he lay wrapped up in
that scarf night falling around him pure luck happened to save him for PrincessCelestia happened to be visiting ponyville at the t... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Cloud owns a small Art shop / house on the edge of ponyvile.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
An amazing artist with an outstanding photographic memory and talented flier though he may get stuck he will always finish his art to his best.
A Sketchbook with enchantments lain in the gem mosaic on the cover to protect it from damage of any kind (up to a certain point)
A pair of glasses with enchanted gems set in the frame that will dispel any dirt and imperfections on the lenses to keep Clouds vision clear
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 13, 2002
Last Login:
May 18, 2024
Member Since:
March 8, 2020
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