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Coronet Cresthaven

Female. Lives in  Seaward Shoals,  Equestria.
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hi! I'm known by many names around the internet, But I'm most commonly known as Goose.
I can be a little shy at times, but I love to make new friends so please don't hesitate to message me! <3
Roleplay Universe
Adaptive Canon
Roleplay Type
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization
Coronet Cresthaven
Coronet trotted happily down the sidewalk holding a basket filled to the brim with an assortment of freshly-picked fruits. It was a lovely day out, and she figured that there was no better way to spen... View More
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*Cloud happened to be waking up from his midday nap and poked his head up out of the grass a tired but content look on his face as the pony walked by*
Like April 11, 2020
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*Cloud kept smiling as he took the apple carefully placing it in his saddlebags* Do I owe you anything?
Like April 11, 2020
Coronet Cresthaven
"Oh goodness, no! These are just extras from my shoppe." Coronet said with a light chuckle. "I just thought I'd try and share them with a couple strangers. Speaking of-" She paused, outstretching her hoove. "My name's Coronet, but you can call me Cora. What's your name?"
Like April 12, 2020
*Cloud gives a happy little squee* Well that just makes my day. Nice to meet you Cora my names CloudDasher but most people call me Cloud.
Like April 12, 2020
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