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Dark Veil

Male. Lives in Dark Bay,  Baltimare,  Equestria. Born on September 13, 1996
Misc. RP Information
HPs: 70
MPs: 35
Sanity Points (SP): 50
A spell caster character, indicated for fantasy and dark fantasy RPs, along with Lovecraftian or Eldritch ones.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Equestria's Eastern regions, Frozen North too
Title(s) / Rank
Lord, Nightseeker,
Skin / Coat Color
Pale gray
Eye Color
Milky amber
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Eye of Mystery
Design Description
An elderly pony of the eastern coast, his face has been marked during the Draconian Wars, as for his mind. Once a member of the rich families of Dark Bay, located North from Baltimare, in the Black Berg region, his classic pale color, graced body and sassy humor is all a trait of his family.
Normally, Dark Veil wear a long scholar vest with the Radiant Sun's and Luna's order on it, along with a light silver plate armor finely decorated underneath.
Books, spells, researches, Long journeys
Whispers form the dark, the West, pyramids, dragons, sand
Detailed Personality
A grumpy pony for sure, and given what he's studying, certainly isn't helping, but in case someone shows an interest in magic, or is quiet... fancy, he may open a bit, revealing a pony with a deep interest in knowledge, and a passion for story.
After finding something he don't like to talk about in the hollow quarter of Saddle Arabia, he sometimes keep rambling to himself.
However, better not asking him about Starswril. He and the Bearded had a rough discussion, just before the latter disappeared.... View More
Teacher, researcher, local ever-ranting elder
Dark Bay, on the North-East coast of Equestria
Given his status in Dark Bay, Veil recived a fine education, tutored by his family's fortune could grant, and after that the Sanctioned Academy of Arcane Magic and Astral Knowledge (or Saamak, for short). However, an incident that caused the death of a student, and the following war with the Dragon's threat, brought him to start his own studies and interest in arcane manufats that the majority of ponies would describe as "cursed, dark and sinister", making him look edgy, but for sure not a depre... View More
Detailed History
Born in the coastal city of Dark Bay, the major city of a region once known as Black Berg, Dark Veil was the second of five brothers of a rather wealthy family. Now, one may say "he hated them, right ?"... no, he didn't. Even if the habits of some were quiet questionable, his family was really unite, but if it wasn't for his Uncle Gray Copper, he would've not discovered some interesting properties of magic: even if conventional magic is almost impossible to manipulate by standard ponies, those s... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
° Fortress outside the Crystal Empire, renamed "Nightshade Keep"
° An apartment in Canterlot's lower quarters.
° Several scrolls and amulets
° A lot of bits.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Great use of dark magic, with the exception of a few arcane ones that drain his energies. Quick learning of new spells.
Notable spells:
° Shadow form: with this spell, he can transform himself in a shadow, becoming untouchable and capable of corver long distances in half the needed time. Bright light sources can harm him. Cost no MPs.
° Shadow whips: four tentacle-like shadows emerge form underneath his hooves. This whips can hit a target by a long distance or immobilize one, but cause low damages. Cost 4 MPs
° Black barrier: a bubble of darkness engulf him and those around, reflecting and deviating any sort of atta... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 13, 1996
Last Login:
December 11, 2019
Member Since:
January 8, 2019
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