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Script Chime

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on July 10, 2002
Misc. RP Information
She loves hopping around and exploring and can easily be found visiting Ponyville to play around.
She could also be found at elegant affairs usually she is playing the music but at times she's attending
I'm willing to do a semi- erotic role-play or sexual tense role-play and will do so but it has to have a build up. I will require a week of us roleplaying and building character connections before considering it
I love storylines but even though I love them an overarching plot is not something I'm... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
A music hall, in her home, in the streets, school, Ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Dark blue
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A bell with a purple and black music note
Design Description
She is a dark blue unicorn with light blue hooves and white marks along her side, face, chest, and hooves with a short red and purple mane long tail. She has purple eyes with a natural blue eye shadow and golden bracelets with red gems around it that help her to cast magic.
Performance, Dancing, Music, Magic, Food lots of food
Getting messy, looking foolish, too much work
Detailed Personality
She is very energetic but also very feminine. As a result she doesn't really like doing things like hard labor but she's not opposed to it either. You likes wearing things like skirts and dresses if an when she can. With her condition of ADHD she also tends to get distracted or lost while she's focusing on something else while struggling to stay motivated and organized. It at times leaves her emotionally unstable and she tends to get upset easily. She tends to be clumsy due to her height and wei... View More
Currently a student
Writing, music spells, and shadow magic
Detailed History
She learned to love preforming from a young age. Her mother and father were great dancers and her brother was well on his way. She on the other hoof was often unbalanced or lacked rhythm. As well, due to her weight, she often wasn't suited for it or was too embarrassed.
She mastered unsteady ballroom dancing but she found her real talent where her family could not. She had an amazing voice. Granted it wasn't anything drop dead stunning she worked to perfect it . She found the best ways to create ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
She is not old enough to have any of this and is still figuring out what to do from where she is now
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
She can sing and write and well and dance (not well and its the ponyverse of ballroom dancing). She can socialize well depending on the situation and is a fairly good actress though preferring voice overs. She is also very well versed in shadow magic and summoning demons (not so much getting rid of them however)
Summoning (only demon, demon like creatures, or from the dark realm)
Enchanting (only her bracelets)
Transfiguration (She accidentally cast the spell but doesn't know how to cast it)
Transformation (its brief and she can't do things like turn herself into an alicorn or give herself wings)
Siren Songs
Creating Music
Creating Art
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 10, 2002
Last Login:
July 10, 2020
Member Since:
January 31, 2018
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