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Tyrath Kyelinth

Male. Lives in The Frozen North,  Beyond Equestria. Born on December 30, 1996
Misc. RP Information
(Same as my other profile. Don't know how much I'll use Ty on this site, but I feel he's more suited to MLP than Wyatt in some ways)
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
His Battle Tower, Canterlot, Ponyville, Around.
Title(s) / Rank
Lord, Lord Dragon, Dragon-Knight
Skin / Coat Color
White skin
Eye Color
Glowing silver, almost blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Draconic Symbol
Design Description
Spiky blonde hair, three scars on his right brow/eye and a bit more than a Five O'Clock Shadow. 6'5.
Cutie Mark in pony form:
Duty, order, gold, knowledge
Rude people/ponies, evil
Detailed Personality
Tyrath is a nice, caring, charming, gentle, gracious and downright courteous person. He is always willing to give a hand to help those in need, even if they don't pay him, which is rare for a Dragon seeing as they're known for being greedy gold-hoarders. Tyrath loves a good joke and is laid-back, always trying to see the light in a dark situation, although he doesn't always succeed. He has never really known love, nor has ever had a lover. He enjoys the finer things in life but is not really bot... View More
A fishing village on his world
Taught from the age of only a few months by an elite organisation of warriors, Tyrath has had some of the finest education known to his kind. He loves reading and is a very avid learner, always craving more and more knowledge to add to his already impressive collection. He despises knowledge being needlessly lost to the ages and tries as hard as he can to preserve it.
Detailed History
Tyrath Kyelinth is the last known surviving Dragon-Knight in Rivellon. A very rare honour, but with what he went through, you wouldn't know that. When he was first turned into a Dragon-Knight from a Dragon Slayer, he was the last survivor of his new species, due to them being hunted to extinction. But luckily, Tyrath retained his silver eyes that identified him as a Slayer so no one could tell the difference.
A Wizard known as Zandalor also became a guide for the Dragon-Knight when he was turned ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Piles and piles of gold coins, Sentinel Island, his Battle Tower and arms and armour, a library filled with thousands of tomes, a vault filled with powerful magical artefacts. One Creature.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
When provoked, Tyrath is an incredibly dangerous opponent. His strength rivals that of a God so they say, and he is a very powerful Wizard, although preferring to get up close and personal with his Greatsword, he is not to be messed with at a distance either. He is a very good Archer as well with his improved Dragon Sight also assisting him to be able to hit even flies with pinpoint accuracy, however he was a very good archer before he was a Dragon-Knight since he was trained by the Dragon Slaye... View More
Many different types, from healing magic to offensive, to defensive. Tyrath is a highly powerful wizard, training for the day he can finally kill Damian and destroy the Black Ring once and for all, he is mastering the extremely powerful Draconic Magic to use in his fight, is still a novice at this particular type.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 30, 1996
Last Login:
October 13, 2019
Member Since:
May 20, 2019
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