Roleplay Availability
About Me
I myself am actually a heterosexual male, I just wanted to add that so no-one feels tricked.Ember is just one of my characters but I wanted to make her available for separate RP'ing aside from my other campaigns.
Roleplay Universe
MLP Canonical/Extended Universe, plus PotP and FS campaigns
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Entertainment » Fictional Character
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Lemon Jubilee Ember Rose
"Uh...hi" says the tall yellow mare, looking some what nervous and unsure of what to say
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Ember Rose
Ember looked up in surprise to see the unfamiliar pony looking back at her. She said nothing but after a moment, she gave a shy wave.
June 14, 2019

Lemon Jubilee
"I'm new here and you were the first pony I saw, so I thought that you could show me around." Her voice seemed to trail off
June 14, 2019

Ember Rose
*Just be sure and reply by hitting the reply button so it makes things nice and compact as this gets longer. We are touring Ponyville as well, right? Or her home town?*
While her request was unexpected, she was more than happy to do so. She was still strangely silent but beckoned her to follow. Whi... View More
June 14, 2019

Lemon Jubilee
*wherever your character is and ok* She followed in silence, looking around town. She wondered if she made the other pony uncomfortable, but didn't say anything about it
June 14, 2019

Lemon Jubilee
"Which place do you like the best around here?"
June 14, 2019

Ember Rose
*Shall we move this to PM's?*
June 14, 2019

Lemon Jubilee
She then realized she hasn't told the mare what her name was or asked for hers. She didn't think now was the time for that
June 14, 2019

Lemon Jubilee
June 14, 2019
Special Badges
I Am
Gamer, Artist, Roleplayer, Techie