(( An off-season short horror story. I don't think I've ever posted this one, seeing that it's been sitting in my WIP folder for a while so.. Have at it! ))
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Cold wind ravages the outer magical shields that surround the interloper, yet all he feels is a gentle winter breeze. He marches through the apathetic snow on a path that hasn't been used in years, a path that he'd never used before yet knows like the back of his hoof. There in the Frozen North, where the Siren's curse buried whole kingdoms in frost, he will find his quary.
Nestled on the side of a mountain range, a lone castle overlooks the long-abandoned valley. The river that once gave it ...
This is nice. It ain't often that Frost Tear is able to leave her house in the Whispering Woods, the world is a dangerous place after all and only His presence can keep her safe. With the Evergrowing by her side, nothing can bring her harm! Not even the dubiously cheap (yet large) hayburger she's currently munching on, it is definitely a very healthy meal for this Tuesday afternoon.
As the cold autumn breeze rolls through the park, she wonders if her supernatural companion is capable of feeling...
Zerathur can hear them downstairs. The clattering of kitchen utensils being washed by the automata; The chatter of daughter and mother as Spore and Astria idle by the fireplace; Erian hammering away at some new wacky invention down in the basement. An unchanging reality, a long awaited and well deserved dream come true. Everything he wished for, the return of all he once loved and the life that was robbed from his very grasp.
He reaches upwards with his mind, his consciousness slips through...
She had done as she was told. The doors and windows were closed and locked, the curtains had been shut and all of the lights in the house had been turned off. All of the lights, except that of her room; She could not sleep, no matter how much she tried, for the sound of the woods outside of her house were too weird and haunting. The eerie feeling of being watched crept into her mind whenever she closed her eyes, it was simply impossible.
A light flickered outside her window, flashing briefly ...
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Dr. Lindsley's Report
29th entry.
04/05/1056 A.N.
08:00 PM
Dr. Lindsley's Report
28th entry.
02/05/1056 A.N.
04:35 PM
Dr. Lindsley's Report
26th entry.
26/04/1056 A.N.
05:22 AM
Alone, the Chloromancer roamed the dark sea. Were those seconds, or were they entire eons passing right before his eyes?
Waves crashed upon the cold hull of the steerless metallic ship, yet no matter how much it rocked, the ship would never sink.
No matter how often he tried, he could not jump into the dark waters below.
With his book of memories held close against his chest, Zerathur hummed songs of old, and another voice joined his chorus.
Sat upon the taffrail, The Traveler examined the o...
It is done. Their memories were compiled and adequately rewritten to further fact from fiction.
Did it take him long to revise his work, or did it take no moment at all?
Zerathur closes his book and carefully cradles it in his arms. Every lover, every friend, every acquaintance, forever with him.
None of them shall ever be forgotten.
The breeze died millennia ago; The endless forest was illuminated solely by the illusionary phantoms that moved back and forth in their unending routine.
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Eadil is a Necromancer. It is common in his kind's folklore for healers and medics to arrive too late to save the heroes who've fallen in the great battles of old, those born with the natural affinity of healing often mocked as 'healers of the dead': A pejorative term turned official with the consolidation of the Velgraviran Empire. As he stares at the skulls piled upon his desk, he curses the irony. He wasn't here to help those who needed it when they were hurt, much like the 'Necromancers' of ...
Waves crash upon the golden sands of the Southern Shores. Seagulls fly above, silent fireworks explode in the distance. His shoes sink into the damp sand, and the maritime breeze of the early evening fills his lungs.
A feminine voice calls out, prompting him to turn his head to look over to its source. Even though she was heavier than him, the changeling mare skips next to him with unparalleled grace, not leaving a single mark where she stepped. Her purple mane flows along the win...
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