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"Hey, can you pass me that bottle of gender fluid real quick?" #rp
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"Nope sorry I just finished it off. I'm probably about to have one heck of an identity crisis aren't I?"
March 13, 2025

Chase who assumed that was some drink with a meme name and not a legit potion would shrug saying "....actually kinda tastes like frosting."
March 13, 2025

The Outsider
Zerathur stares at Chase and slowly nods. "Six," He finally spoke, "Six puberties."
March 13, 2025

March 13, 2025

Bright Brave
"Even the most powerful magic in equestria can't change gender."
March 13, 2025

Bright Brave
Magic didn't work on BriBra's anti-magic energy shield, the spell fizzling out.
The two ponies giving each other the eyes from across the studio apartment. =3=
"What do you want for lunch? I'll buy this time."
March 13, 2025

The Outsider
Zerathur sighs and nods in acceptance. "I'll have a beer."
March 13, 2025

Bright Brave
Bright blinked in disbelief.
"One beer? Thats it? No gyros or something? How about I pop down to the craft brewery and pick up a growler."
March 13, 2025

Peachy Pie
I bet I can make some pretty good pancakes with this gendered fluid you're all passing around!
March 13, 2025

Bright Brave
Bright passed the Hops®️ #9 gun oil.
March 13, 2025
Zerathur offers you a cup of hibiscus tea. "I wanted to make tea, but I can't drink it, so.. Would you like to have it?" #rp
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Ooooh yes please thank you! *pulls out a bottle of ground cayenne pepper and shakes some into the tea before mixing and having a little sip* mmmm yes perfect.
He stares at her.. Takes the cup.. And takes a sip. Zerathur immediately gives the cup back and starts casting cleansing and healing spells on himself.
I... can only drink ink. But I have something that can actually make it ink! One second... *I pull out a potion and drop a drop into the water, turning it instantly into ink.* There, now I can have it.
Of course! Turning it into ink doesn't take away the flavor. It just allows me to drink it safely, that's all.
"Ah, good, good!" He nods, still holding out the cup towards Stickman. "You're gonna wash it when you're done though, ink can be kind of hard to remove from these older porcelain cups."
March 12, 2025
"I'm on a diet." He replies, straightening his posture and smiling with sarcastic pride. "Nothing but the pain of existence until I figure out how to revert a spell I messed up! Doesn't stop me from being near the kitchen though."
March 12, 2025
"Because tea is good for your health, and I am offering it to you."
"My hoofwriting's not the best when I'm stressed, so spells are coming out a little skewed." He explained with a slight shrug. "Went to try out a spell a few days ago, and a bunch of frogs appeared out of nowhere. Turns out my 'Cloak of Fog' accidentally came out as "Cloak of Frog', which isn't opti... View More
Thank you for everyone involved, I have finally reached my goal in the funny number of boops and can retirely peacefully. But I won't. Time to try and get 1337!
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(( An off-season short horror story. I don't think I've ever posted this one, seeing that it's been sitting in my WIP folder for a while so.. Have at it! ))
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Cold wind ravages the outer magical shields that surround the interloper, yet all he feels is a gentle winter breeze. He marches through the apathetic snow on a path that hasn't been used in years, a path that he'd never used before yet knows like the back of his hoof. There in the Frozen North, where the Siren's curse buried whole kingdoms in frost, he will find his quary.
Nestled on the side of a mountain range, a lone castle overlooks the long-abandoned valley. The river that once gave it life is but a memory, the houses and farms that dotted the landscape are naught but abandoned archeological dig sites. The bones of the archeologists and explorers that worked at those sites now serve as a warning, decorating in grim fashion the castle's gate.
Nothing can be heard within the frozen halls other than his own muffled hoofsteps. Even the howling of the wind outside has ceased as he approaches the inner chambers, frost-covered marble pillars glistening like crystals under the pale lights he'd summoned. A pair of hungry eyes watch his every move, looking for an opening through which to strike.
The castle's throne room is but a shadow of its former glory, its light smeared and stolen by the angry mob that sacked it long-ago. They never found the food they were looking for, only an emanciated queen that did her best to share every blessing with her followers in their last days. She yet remains, sat upon the rubble that once was her throne, muscles twitching and mouth agape in starved excitement.
The Interloper stops before the throne of the Northern Changeling Queen and watches as her slim silhouette rushes to meet him. She was an Unicorn once, a fair lady of the Sorcerous Empire of
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This is nice. It ain't often that Frost Tear is able to leave her house in the Whispering Woods, the world is a dangerous place after all and only His presence can keep her safe. With the Evergrowing by her side, nothing can bring her harm! Not even the dubiously cheap (yet large) hayburger she's currently munching on, it is definitely a very healthy meal for this Tuesday afternoon.
As the cold autumn breeze rolls through the park, she wonders if her supernatural companion is capable of feeling it. Can it even taste the popsicle it is gnawing at? Although the Evergrowing may wear the skin of a unicorn, it is very.. Obvious that it is the skin; She can see the gaps left by old scrapes showing the woodened interior of the corpse. It really is just a big wooden doll the more she looks at it.
Frost blinks and quickly looks away when she feels his lively blue eyes fall upon her, probably having noticed that was staring. He's taught her long ago to see through the illusion spells that surround him, spells that obfuscate his very existence to the average pony's eyes, yet even now she finds new strange details of her guardian's true form. Like, how his legs aren't exactly moving and bending how they're supposed to. Kinda weird.
She did not expect, however, that something weirder was about to take place. Quite, just as she was about to take the last bite from her hayburger, a stallion stepped out from behind a tree just a few meters away. And! It was another Evergrowing! Except instead of being a decrepit depiction of a corpse worn by a wooden mannequin, this one was actually a living and breathing stallion with dull blue eyes and white draping clothes.
With her mouth still agape, she watched as the Evergrowing, or, well, rowing walked towards their bench. He stopped, squinted his eyes at the undead version of himself, then continued on his merry way down the path to vanish behind another tree. Frost Tear, having witnessed this unprecedent level bullshittery, looked up at her companion and said,
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// Hey gang, bit of a status update. Last couple of years have been rough on my end, spent too long around people who'd strip me from who I am and replace it with what they'd need. Lost a lot of the j... View More
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I always loved Waste. You're awesome. Welcome to a new and better future.
Thank you, pal. You could always say it's a new and.. Bright-er future, eh?
That's a horrible and wonderful pun and you should be ashamed and proud of it!
We can all be shitty man. It's the healing part you need to nail. It's easy to lash out but challenging to be exceptional. Not just in your social ability but in your day to day.
It's not about turning a cheek or being bigger. It's about having a conversation and being open with the ones that care ... View More
Thank you. Honestly it's due to opening up to people that I was able to see my faults, and some few have even gone out of their way to help me figure things out. I am very grateful to them. But, even having received help, I do recognize that some must take a few steps of their own. I've to want to g... View More
*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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#rp "Ever seen the movie The Happening? Right, imagine that, except instead of releasing some neurotoxin to the air, all of the plants just get up from the ground and start beating folk up."
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