It is high time I explain a lot of this. Things that are important to understand what Star Spawn are, and everything surrounding them. It is confusing, but read carefully and you'll understand. I will update this slowly over time to include more information, and to explain things.
A Star Spawn can only be understood by knowing what they are at heart. Above all else, they are spirits of dead ponies and creatures. Upon moving on, they made the choice to evade reaping and became locked into the sk...
Scars. Memories of a past that are often hidden. Weakness to some, strength to others.
"I promise you, this is the place. I don't want to die, and I don't want to be asked more questions. I made a promise, I show you where they are, you leave me alone, and I won't return to their ways. I hated it anyways..." the mare whispered, keeping herself hidden behind a bush. This mare was the same that Rosa had questioned before, and with a nod from the aforementioned mare, the ex-Phoenix took off into ...
Feathers. Pegasus ponies had feathers. Changeligns had insect-like wings that'd buzz as they flapped. Thestrals, on the other hoof, had webbed wings...almost like dragons. A leathery flesh that connected to each "finger" and the wing's "forearm" together.
Unlike pegasus wings, a thestral pony's wing was much easier to damage. No, not from the webbing itself being weak (it is very much strong), but from how they heal. When torn, the webbing will not heal quickly, and can only heal under in...
Adherence is a curse. Adherence is a blight in the form of addiction. An addiction that when played out screams in the face of those that follow its dark definition.
Adherence, over all else, is a word- but words have power. A vocal call, a spell, a command that is conjured up through the voice.
Canterlot at night is a beautiful sight. But for many years it's been kept this way by the many ponies who fight for and defend it. Ponies like (although bounty hunting is quite the grey area), or (-) Seafoam Wake. Others that protect the innocent like the guards, or medics like . Some hunt demons, dark creatures that escape from Tartarus or lower, while others stand to the ponies who have lost their way.
On the other hoof, there are the few that stand up against the unknown, the unexplained, ...