Dark Bat Pony
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Nitroxus Soulspins Rosa Cavalier
*Nitroxus was balancing on a big bouncy ball as he was rolling toward the pony. He stopped right in front of them and climbed down. He smiled as he passed a large gift over.* Happy Birthday to you!
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I need inspiration for a Rosa post.
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Oh, I got one! I got one! Rose somehow is lost in a rose garden maze.
Both of these could actually work into something. Ill see what nonsense I can come up with. Thanks
May 28, 2024
I can come up with more. I have so many...
Rosa getting a long lost package from a long deceased family member who may or may not be a supernatural being.
Rosa finding a literal goldmine under her home, and have to deal with paperwork and legal bandits in order to maintain her claim on the gold and... View More
May 28, 2024
*Nitroxus spun like a top toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Bermuda Triangle
Chapter 2
Part 3, Rosa
It's probably been awhile since life disturbed Rosa Cavalier. After her efforts to stave off the Warped three months ago, nothing of note has happened o... View More Chapter 2
Part 3, Rosa
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The world to Rosa was a plane. Sure, it was a sphere of some sort, but to her it was a flat surface to traverse. This made her senses more keen. More attuned. Sure, her abilities as a vampiric bat pony gave her a boost to the usual thestral hearing. That didn't mean she could not attune and focus th... View More
Seafoam seemed to deflate a little when Rosa called her an 'intruder'. She hadn't seen this pony since their rushed "goodbye" three months ago, and that was three painful months too long to see her mentor. The larger, more rational part of her mind knew Rosa meant no disrespect, but the small part, ... View More
November 14, 2023
Rosa had no desire to think back on these last few moments. All she desired was to find this new menace and take it down. If not, then at least to slow it's ascent. There was one more lesson Seafoam needed to learn, and that was the lesson of knowing when a battle was not meant to be won. Simply bec... View More
November 21, 2023
Recognition seemed to pass over Sway as Seafoam slunk toward the shadows. Surely Seafoam isn't so blind as to face whatever danger took her and the other Seafoam out so swiftly. It was very unlike her to not formulate a plan first.
"H-hey Seafoam, wait!"
She'd already gone. All he could do was pictu... View More
November 22, 2023
Continuing from: Chapter 2, part 2, Hawk.
Rosa would appear near a lone cabin with a thatched roof. The space was bland and unassuming, but inside this little cabin was a hopeless battle for survival between Hawk and the towering thing that harbored Seafoam's soul. In fact their Blood Tie would ev... View More
November 22, 2023
"I've had enough." Rosa's own voice was monotone, not unlike her usual speech, but it was with edge. She stepped forward, and the path became clear to her. Seafoam was going to be a nuisance if she kept attacking like this. And Rosa didn't ask twice, even if she didn't ask the first time. It's somet... View More
November 26, 2023
Rosa's blood whip did not go unanswered. Just before reclaiming Seafoam, the Warped entangled a shadowy auburn-speckled tendril to it and pulled taut. It was only tight enough to stop Rosa from retrieving Seafoam, not yank her off her hooves. Seafoam looked bewildered at Rosa's maneuver, not underst... View More
November 26, 2023
"I am but one Rosa, of one time. I do not carry the burdens you infatuate yourself with."
Were Rosa's emotions a useful tool to turn the tables on her, or another pit of heresy? The more the Warped looked, the more diluded those emotions would become, as if they overlapped each other. The dark thes... View More
December 1, 2023
"I am the night. I am...Batmare," Rosa said in monotone, and with the roll of her eyes.
Camille squeed. "Again! Again!"
It was going to be a looooong day.
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It is high time I explain a lot of this. Things that are important to understand what Star Spawn are, and everything surrounding them. It is confusing, but read carefully and you'll understand. I will update this slowly over time to include more information, and to explain things.
A Star Spawn can only be understood by knowing what they are at heart. Above all else, they are spirits of dead ponies and creatures. Upon moving on, they made the choice to evade reaping and became locked into the sky. Most stars are just that, stars, but some are more. They are spirits awaiting their chance to either return, or to guide. They don't realize, though, that they lose their memories upon becoming a Star Spawn.
Star Spawn can be split into two categories. Warped and Nova.
Warped: Dark, twisted souls that have lost their way. Having no memory of their reasoning, they feel trapped. Their soul fades with time, until they decide to escape back to Equestria by destroying what is left of them
Nova: A Light in the Dark. The ones that see through the veil and try to stop Warped. They don't normally view themselves as Star Spawn, for they don't like the negative implications. Unlike Warped, they don't lose themselves, and thus know giving up a part of themselves to return could have catastrophic effects.
No Nova has ever reached Equestria without going Warped. Until now, with Aurora.
A general term of a Nova's influence over the world. They can't be there, but they can send the tools that can stop a Warped. These are Star Touched weapons. They cut to the soul, or what's left, and release them from the grasp of darkness.
Star Touched weapons can NOT harm normal ponies.
They are bound to their wielder unless passed on to a subject.
Obtaining a Star Touched weapon thus makes the wielder also Star Touched. To most Zebras, this is blasphemy. But for a few, it's a calling and an honor, as long as they are "Knighted" as a Hunter/Huntress.
Simply to hunt down and destroy a Warped being. To protect innocent lives from being taken at the mercy of dark Star Spawn.
One may only become a Hunter or Huntress in one of three ways:
In one universe, rarely more than one. For Rosa, that means Her place was taken by Seafoam. But for beings in The Castle, there are now Three: Aurora, Honeymoon Crescent, and Ghostbit.
No. They have free will to give up the general title. It can also be stripped by the Nova for wrongdoings. Being Stripped of your title makes you an Outcast, not an Honorary.
Yes! There are a few. For example, Outcasts have many depending on the reason for them being Outcast.
Honorary - Sunrisen Huntress | Lunar Guardian | Knight (Rosa's name sake coincidentally matches, but she would be seen as a Pink Knight of this was her title. Her title is: Lunar Guardian)
Outcast - Sunfallen Traitor | Lunar Dismissive | Crest Fallen
Maybe, in due time. There is a lot to explain, and there are many rules to follow. Rosa's past posts will contradict details written here.
Yes and no. It's rare for another being to be chosen, as the lineage is secretive. There are nicknames specific to pony species that can be added with their current status.
Bat Ponies - Lunarian, as they are often night themed
Unicorns - Witch, but are not evil. They are bookish.
Earth Ponies - Rumbler
Pegasus - Strikers
Ghostling - ???
Everything is Written. But words can change.
Your character does not have to be a fighter. They could be a student, a racer, a doctor, etc. Most walks of life are welcome.
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"Camille needs a foal sitter. Must be capable and have chew toys. She is small, but no using her for getting things out of small spaces. She won't leave them."
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Rosa turned over her hoof and looked it over. It'd seem your discussion with her was falling flat. She seemed to have stopped caring at this point.
"I am in no mood for it today. I am on zee hunt. Or... View More
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