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Icy Creation

Female. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. 21 years old
Misc. RP Information
Seriously though, how could you think she was an alicorn? Her wings don't give her the ability to manipulate weather, only the ability to fly and walk on clouds. In no way does she have earth pony magic. Her unicorn magic, while powerful, is nowhere near as powerful as an alicorn's (And nowhere near as diverse as Twilight's magic, so don't go latching onto the power).
Plus, the wings are synthetic.
Alternate "personality" = Ice Storm
Her two main RP universes are canon(Mostly) and the... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville - Everfree Forest - Canterlot - Wandering
Skin / Coat Color
Pure, snow white.
Eye Color
Bright emerald green
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Slice of Life, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Post-apocalyptic, Anthro, Feral
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A bright cyan snowflake over top of a near black blue gear.
Design Description
Her fur is soft, but cold. Much colder than a normal pony. This can change with her emotions- negative emotions yielding colder fur, positive warmer. Her wings feel both soft and as flexible as a feather, alongside feeling metallic and even colder than her fur.
See my photos for pictures of her base form, Sleet, and what she looks like during an Ice Storm.
Ice, Inventing, Snow, Flying, Other sentient beings, Helping
Heat, cruelty, racism, warm food, and others being sad.
Detailed Personality
Icy's personality, eh? Well than... She's a really kind mare, her warm personality sharply contrasting with her ice cold physiology. She absolutely /loves/ milkshakes, them nearly being to her as muffins are to Derpy. Outwardly, she's always quite happy. Smiling, laughing, joking around. Helping. But in truth, /all/ of that is just a mental construct she puts up to block off the emotional agony of knowing the fate of her hometown, and the fact that she /was/ that fate. Off days, she stays home a... View More
Repair pony
=Redacted by Order of P-Celest=
Up to the highest level of standard schooling, but didn't finish before the incident.
Discreetly taught how to control and use her magic, as well as how to recognize the signs that Ice Storm is coming out, by Celestia after Ice Storm made a lot of very realistic ice sculptures in her hometown, alongside the ponies that were there dissapearing. (See the history once I write it.)
Was mostly finished with being taught by Celestia when Celestia let her go back out into the world on her own while she t... View More
Detailed History
Icy Creation was born to two unicorns, Snowfall and Lactose Shaker. Snowfall was her mother, working with the weather pegasi to help begin the winter seasons whenever there wasn't enough snow made. Which was essentially every winter. She was the more boring of Icy's two parents. Shaker, however, was not boring. He worked in what he called a "milkshake workshop," where ponies could come in and request whatever flavor combination they wanted, and he would make them a milkshake of that combination ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Her wings.
Many, many inventions. Most of which are unique.
Some bits, not much though.
Her treehouse in the Everfree, and according to her magic, the surrounding twenty kilometer diameter circle of forest.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Inventing, ice magic, shield spells, binding spells she can't cast herself into spell matrixes, and magical empathy.
Accidentally murdering her entire hometown by turning everyone in it into pure ice, but I'm not sure that counts as a skill per se.
Dancing (Kind of. I mean, she dosen't dance well (Or maybe she does) but it is interesting to watch.
Ice sculpting (Both actual, and through organic to ice conversion. Though she dosen't like the fact that she can do the second one.)
Making snow ponies.
Ma... View More
Many, many, many ice/cold focused spells. Both official and of her own design.
Cold wind based levitation equivalent. Of her own improvisation. Not a designed spell, rather a repurposed one.
Pocket dimension spell, of her own design.
Very weak flare spell. Can't even do it without nearly immediatelly burning out her horn for a month.
Shield spells (Started learning various shield spells after, um, after one of her inventions blew up in her face and almost took her horn off)
Spell binding. This, along... View More
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Member Since:
February 13, 2020
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