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Java Tales

Male. Lives in Billings, MT,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on March 15, 1986
Misc. RP Information
Java is often pestered by his creator, who he calls the 7th Wall. Whether or not you choose to acknowledge is fine, as he's not sure who can even see up to the 4th Wall.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
In Ponyville, often at the Clover Cafe, or at home.
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A green coffee mug with a pencil in it
Design Description
Java Tales is a yellow earth pony who wears a white collared shirt, red tie, and grey vest/waistcoat. He has blue eyes, a brown mane/tail, and his cutie mark is a green coffee mug with a pencil in it.
Detailed Personality
JT tends to be a bit spacey, and from time to time will talk to what he calls the 7th Wall (the author of his life story). He's friendly, but not always good at interpony socialization. He is pansexual and polyamourous.
Attended Canterlot Academy
Detailed History
Java comes from a family of tailors and costumers. He and his sister broke the tradition, with him becoming a writer, and his sister going into the sciences.
Assets / Bits / Property
A Royal Grant for writing, giving him a monthly stipend for supplies, meals, clothing as needed, and rent. He lives near the New Ponyville Library.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Java loves to write and is more or less unaffected by his caffeine intake. Has awareness of his own story, and his creator.
Cosmic Awareness
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 15, 1986
Last Login:
March 25, 2024
Member Since:
August 10, 2018
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