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Neon Moon

Male. Lives in The Gates of Hell,  Tartarus,  Equestria. Born on October 10, 1996
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Tartarus, Pocket Dimensions, Roaming Equestria
Title(s) / Rank
Undeserving Whelp!
Skin / Coat Color
Dusty Grey
Eye Color
Bright Orange
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Neon is a lesser demon, born from the fires of Tartarus like any other unholy being. He was sent to Equestria from those that rule hell to gather information on the denziens of other dimensions. He has a particular gift for creating tears in space that can transport him from place to place, "transportals," as he likes to call them. He also is commonly seen carrying a small sword, though it is just for show - he never actually uses the thing.
Cheap wine, Karaoke, and Cooking!
The Color Yellow and any Cold Foods.
Detailed Personality
Kind of a cocky prick, though he's not too bad once you get to know him. Arrogant, has a short temper, and has very poor judgement. Doesn't know when to stop talking. He's a great cook and secretly wants to be a chef rather than a scout for Tartaurus, though he can't really do anything about that.
Rogue demon scout
H e l l.
How to not die in the midst of a war.
How to piss somepony off to the point of almost killing you, and then themselves.
How to look stupid yet kind of cute at the same time.
Assets / Bits / Property
Using a special kind of "transportal", Neon is able to open a sort of pocket dimension. This space is about 6×6 feet, and has no limit to its height as far as he knows. He uses this space to store his bits, anything particularly important that he's collected on his travels, and alcohol.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Portals! For unknown reasons, Neon has an affinity for creating tears in space and time, allowing him to travel across large areas of land in seconds.
He is both a great chef and a forager; give him an hour in the woods and he can cook up a great tasting meal from tree roots and wildberries alone.
Neon can use basic telekinesis and can levitate about 3 feet off the ground.
Transportal: Neon Moon is able to rip open a portion of spacetime, and can travel about 5 miles in any direction via portal as long as he has been to his destination at least once before. He is able to allow at maximum 2 other companions to travel through a portal before it collapses, and he is able to keep up multiple portals at once to travel through. He is able to move these tears around at will, and can also change t... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 10, 1996
Last Login:
November 30, 2019
Member Since:
November 29, 2019
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