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Lana Avalon

Female. Lives in Townsville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on January 20, 1994
Misc. RP Information
Hi everyone, this is the Mod of Lana Avalon!! I would like to take a moment to thank you for choosing to read this, it means quite a lot that you would take the time to read all this. Now for all of you interested in RPing with me, I do Narrative Third person. I only do Semi Para and full paragraph RPs, so all you one liner RPers... Shoo go away o^o, oneliners are boring.... unless you have good detail :3
Now I know that may come off as strict, but I'm here to have fun, not drone on and on endles... View More
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Bars, Anyplace really, she travels.
Title(s) / Rank
No titles.
Skin / Coat Color
Below freezing, White... Above freezing, Grey.
Eye Color
Ruby Red
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Single black musical note engulfed in a hot pink flame.
Design Description
Lana is a subspecies of Arctic pony from the Deep Southern Tundras known as the Ishestur (Icelandic for Ice Horse). The tribe her mother Nala and father Thal came from was the Avalon tribe, meaning that Avalon isnt a family last name but an indication of the Tribe she is from. She is a smaller mare with a wingspan nearly double that of a full sized pegasus. Her fur is long and hangs loosely off her body, and has a slight silvery shimmer to it. Her mane is almost always styled in a punk rocker st... View More
Winter, Alcohol, Music, She is a simple lass.
Dishonesty, Spiders, being Rude, Summer (Long fur and all)
Detailed Personality
Headstrong with delusions of Grandeur, Lana Avalon speaks her mind. She's always out to party, at one bar, nightclub, fight club, or heck even rave to another. Mostly to drink, but sometimes to play. Lana is wants to follow in her older sister's hoofsteps. She wants to be a popular punk artist. From time to time a few of her friends and Lana would play at a local bar/club one of their uncle owned. Its very hard to sway her from a path she's already set her mind to.
Weather Pony in Canterlot, Side gig in a local small band.
Lana Avalon was born in Stratusburg.
Just up through highschool
Detailed History
Assets / Bits / Property
A fairly decent sized pool of bits shared by all three sisters left to them by their parents in passing. A small two story home near the outskirts of Canterlot. And an Airship left by her parents, who aquired it from an expedition who was wiped out by the Great Blizzard Barrier, past saddle Arabia (using this fan map They used it to escape to Equestria before the three were born. Neither of he... View More
A natural magical aura around the species that serves to allow them safe passage through the Great Blizzard Barrier.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 20, 1994
Last Login:
February 26, 2021
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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