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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on February 2, 1997
Common locations your character will be
Manehattan History Museum / Her shop "Beans and Books"
Skin / Coat Color
Light steely blue with a amber mane cropped lightly
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Tome and Quill
Curling up on a large armchair by a crackling fire.
Loud Noises
Detailed Personality
Flynn Quill-Scratch has a rather timid demeanor, more prone to blend into the crowd if the situation allows her. She becomes easily flustered when confronted with an abrasive social encounter, which more often then not ends with her hoof in her mouth. She revels in the company of friends however, finding that conversation favors her when she becomes more acquainted with new friends. Her fondness for odd trivia and the obscure facts of the world make for an interesting grab bag of random facts ab... View More
Coffee Shop Owner, A Manehattan Museum Agrologist
Graduated from college, albeit just barely. Most of their education was spent abroad, traveling among more foreign lands.
Detailed History
Growing up as a young filly amongst the towering buildings of Manehattan has its own set of challenges. The bustling city life rarely leaves little time for anypony to catch their breath, much less collect their thoughts as bustling crowds can easily sweep one off their hooves in the blink of an eye. Flynn, a young mare smaller in stature had made this trip to the farmers market more then her fair share since she had gotten ownership of her parents old coffee shop in downtown Manehatten. She ha... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small amount of savings from her father, most of it going to keeping her coffee shop alive.
A coffee shop and bookstore located on the cross between Herehay and Snaxx, the shop itself containing a rather extensive library built (and Insured!) from books across the globe.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Admarable knowledge in magic history, decent at hoof to hoof brawling (Not an Intentional skill mind you) decently charming and cna make a mean cup of coffee
Telekinesis, short distance teleportation, rope charming.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 2, 1997
Last Login:
June 14, 2020
Member Since:
June 14, 2020
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