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Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on October 5, 1986
Misc. RP Information
He may have wings but he has no idea how to use them or even if he can. Tried to levitate while flapping them and ended up turning into a white and blue blur that was thankfully stopped due to a large pile of snow.
Common locations your character will be
Home, various convenience stores, sometimes at small library
Skin / Coat Color
White fur and blue mane and tail due to prank gone wrong.
Eye Color
Blue due to prank gone wrong.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Black musical note inside a grey gear
Design Description
A soft spoken and almost always disheveled looking unicorn from the outskirts of Manehatten. This originally short grey and black pony with grey eyes was changed to his current tall winged and horned state due to a nasty failed prank to make him fully invisible by the youngest of his three brothers after years of being the butt of the joke for always blending in to the background. With this being the final straw he set off to Ponyville in the hopes of starting a new life working in his passions ... View More
Music, machines, ramen, animals, making others happy.
Those who do pointless mean things to hurt others.
Detailed Personality
Quiet and soft spoken who is used to being pushed into the background due to his nature by his three brothers. Takes a bit of time to get him to open up fully but when he does he can talk an ear off just due to being happy for someone to talk to.
Unemployed and living off savings.
Manehatten (moved to Ponyville)
Has a basic education he built up on via lots of reading and studying. Learned a good deal about music and technology thanks to constantly visiting the music stores around the area and not being afraid to take things apart to learn more about them.
Detailed History
After years of being picked on by his younger brother and being treated as a quiet shut-in to keep safe at home due to his quiet and soft spoken nature Light Wuf finally left home after a nasty prank played by the youngest of his brothers to turn him fully invisible which did the exact oposite. With nothing but the bits he managed to save up and a few of the things he managed to build he set off to Ponyville leaving nothing but a note behind explaining his feelings to his older brothers. This wa... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small one bedroom home and an acre of property he managed to get lucky on buying that is on the outskirts of Ponyville.
Around six-thousand bits he managed to save due to lots of cheap food and struggling.
His various musical machines he built and books he managed to purchase after careful budgeting.
His best friend and formerly homeless cat Ribbons who likes to nap in the sun and snuggle.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Never giving up despite how hard he might fail.
Self taught in a lot of his skill sets with his basic understanding of magic at least helping him build some truly intricate machines.
Has never once burned popcorn ever.
He knows how to perform telekinesis, some basic levitation, and how to use his magic to heat stuff up. That's about it.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 5, 1986
Last Login:
December 11, 2023
Member Since:
December 5, 2017
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