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Scarlet Scarab

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
Common locations your character will be
Her club, anywhere there is trouble that needs to be caused.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Very dark blue/grey, red midriff and back
Eye Color
2 tone blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Whatever she wants at the time.
Design Description
Scarlet is roughly the size of your average earth pony mare with a well toned but curvy figure, heavily resembling a changeling drone although lacking the holes normally associated with the species, her chitin hardens when force is applied to it much like a normal changeling. 2 sets of wings, one slightly harder than the average changeling on account of her slightly larger frame and increasee in weight, the secondary set is 2/3rds the size of the primary wings, both are a translucent light blue.... View More
Very wide range of interests from her club to extreme sports
Double agents, hoodlums, horsefly comments
Detailed Personality
Scarlet can best be described as an energetic flirt. She's usually up for just about anything, this is on full display at her club where dumb stuff happens several times a night...half the time its her doing. However she also knows when its time to get serious, although even then she's not all work no play.
Nightclub owner, Canterlot intelligence agent.
Self taught past basic reading and mathmatics, trained in many other areas.
Detailed History
She is the offspring of a runaway changeling and a unicorn mare in Ponyville. As such she is not associated with any hive nor is she connected to a hivemind. She grew up in Ponyville, reaching maturity in 5 years. From there she figured she could put her abilities to good use and get a hefty paycheck on the side, signing up for the Canterlot Intelligence Agency where she quickly proved her worth as a fiend agent thanks to a combination of her drive and natural abilities. After a few years of tha... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Andromeda nightclub, large sum of bits, various trophies collected from adventures and missions.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Very wide range of skills, many of which learned during her training, excellent night vision and a very broad spectrum, extremely good reflexes.
She can use both changeling and unicorn magic, although the former of which is severely limited with her shapeshifting abilities limited to females and only of species which share the pony structure of a pony such as griffons or kirin. While she does not feed on love to survive it is still used to push her magical energy beyond what her unicorn side is capable of. Most of her spells are fairly simple, with the exception of teleportation which is very taxing thus never used.
Basic Info
Last Login:
February 8, 2025
Member Since:
January 9, 2019
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