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Maple Bat

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on October 27, 1998
Misc. RP Information
NEVER wears helmets or any sort of headgear as a sort of personal preference. Wears a black cloak while off-Duty to hide her Bat wings. And If she uses magic, via an outlet, her left eye turns Orange and glows a red color. One of few mares in the night guard and the strongest of the guard
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot, Ponyville, and usually battlegrounds
Title(s) / Rank
Captain Maple (Captain of the Night Guard)
Skin / Coat Color
Yellow coat.
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
It's a dark purple and blue bat wing in the shape of a bow
Design Description
She's a yellow coated Vampire-Fruit Bat-Pony her wings match her coat color and she is usually seen wearing her armor, that's gold with a light purple edge (Similar to Shining's armor
Anything with Apples in it, Anypony not scared of her
She hates people who are selfish and rude. Changelings
Detailed Personality
She's very shy and nice kinda like her mom, Fluttershy, but she's also chaotic like her father, Discord.
She is a night guard, brave and works hard to ensure the safety of equestria, she serves Luna as a retainer* and is a captain of a squadron of archers.
And when She's off duty she's helping her mother with animals. She also still lives with her parents, Her room in fluttershy's cottage is located somewhere in the roof of the living room it's well hidden so people only find it if Maple shows th... View More
Luna's personal retainer (The servant kind)
High School and a lot of Formal guard training.
Detailed History
When Maple was born a Vampire fruit bat pony the doctors were confused but looking at the parents (Fluttershy(Bat) and Discord) it makes sense.
When she was growing up she was ridiculed in school because she was a bat that went to school during the day this ridicule however did not lead to bad behavior from her she managed to bottle up her feelings. With no real negative consequence.
When she was 10, Discord and the main 6 where still her only friends, and she felt like for Fluttershy's sake they ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
She still lives with her parents as she is only 18, however she does provide for her family with her job so her mother, Fluttershy, could raise animals
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Skilled archer and a strong spear wielder.
Also she's decent at cooking and baking.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 27, 1998
Last Login:
January 11, 2018
Member Since:
December 22, 2017
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