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Name: Quinch {birth name withheld}
Species: Human
Age: 27
Occupation: [s]Public Sector Mercenary[/s] "Hero."
Hometown: Paragon City
Current Location: Ponyville
Education: High school graduate.
Height: Celestia eye level
Build: Wiry
Cutie Mark: N/A. Has a red infinity sign in a yellow circle symbol on his shirt.
Color: Caucasian
Roleplay style: Multi-sentence, descriptive, thread-based.
ERP/NSFW: Nope, nope, nopety nope.
Background: A former resident of so-called Primal Earth with a significant amount of superhumans. Originally possessed a minor metahuman talent which he lost due to what he refers to as "poor life choices". Acutely aware of just how many enemies he has made in the meantime, he repurposed - adequately, at best - the assets he'd collected in order to continue working as a hero, as well as self-defense. During one mission and through currently unexplained means, he has been forcefully thrust into Equestria. {this is the super-condensed version. Contact me if you want to see an old man wax nostalgic}
Assets: Bulky suit of armor, rocket boots, trinkets and sundries of small value, frightening sense of pragmatism.
Meta information: Quinch is a character from a now-closed MMORPG called City of Heroes which I played for about six years or so and with a fair bit of history and developed personality behind him. I also tend to decently play characters who are shaped by their environment, and I figured it would be interesting to see how a character from an inherently violent place would fare in a generally peaceful one. Also, yes, I do plan to turn him into a pony, but certain events need to transpire before that can happen - it may come across as picky {and in fact may be}, but the transformation does need to be meaningful.