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Nar Kazunah

Male. Lives in Guard Barracks,  Ponyville,  Equestria. 26 years old
by on November 5, 2024
It's been about 3 hours since the patrol started, but everything's gone smoothly so far. Wattzis Buckets, and Wildfire have been standing guard in the Lord's Manor since they arrived. There's been little to do, and conversation has to be kept to a minimum, so more than anything, Wattzis has been bored out of his mind. Such is the life of a guard. Wattzis' eyes move to watch as Lieutenant Spellsword enters the manor's atrium on her patrol route. She gives the two guards a short nod. Nothing to ...
127 views 0 likes
by on October 26, 2024
//Woe, introductory post be upon thee. For a guard, Ponyville was one of the best places to be stationed. Whattzis Buckets woke up every day, excited to protect the town he'd grown up in. He loved to patrol the streets, converse with the townsfolk, and help them when they needed it. He particularly liked when the schoolhouse reached out to him to read to the children. They were always so excited to see a guard in person, and he loved to read them stories of the great heroes of old. Today w...
109 views 3 likes
by on November 7, 2022
//Wanted to post this a while back. Figured I should go ahead and do it before I stop using Everest for good. When I begin to open my eyes, I shudder violently. All around me is icy cold water. Light shines from the surface above, and with a little effort I manage to begin swimming upwards. I surface just as my lungs are about to give out. With a large gasp, I suck in much needed air, and begin to cough up some of the water I'd swallowed after plunging into the lake. I've barely even gott...
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