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Rosy Heart

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on May 1
Misc. RP Information
This pony loves to be creative and therefor will occoupie herself with alot of hobbies such as painting/drawing, sculpting and sewing. She also loves to dance, like ballet and sing while doin any of these, though only when she is alone due to her shyness. She also enjoys spending some time in her garden or tending to her flowers indoors.
She also owns a little fairy dragon called Fizzy.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
At home, either inside crafting or sewing or in her garden.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Blue (but quite often wears pink contacts,or pink glasses)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A heart-shaped pink rose out of fabric
Design Description
Sparkly/Shiny things, flowers, animals, cozy weather
Heatwaves/strong sunlight (she burn easily),
Detailed Personality
Calm, sweet and somewhat shy but is also very curious.
Crafting Hobbies
Basic (not the smartest cookie in the jar, if thats what you're asking xD)
Detailed History
Rosy is just like any other pony in Equestria, she was born a unicorn in Canterlot with two loveing parents. She was a extremly curious little filly and loved to see new things, though this was also her curse as she would get lost easily and be seperated from her parents often. Hence why her shy and withdrawn nature today. Infact one day when she was still a young filly (close to a teen) she would get so lost during a picnic outside the Canterlot walls, that she ended up wandering into the dark ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Assets: Crafting tools of all kinds, no joke.
Bits: Has no money issues whatsoever but she isnt wealthy like her parents.
Property: A family home/room in Canterlot and a small house in ponyville, hopeing to share it with someone soon. Apart from her little pet fairy dragon Fizzy.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Crafting and customizeing all sorts of things. However decpite her skills she is awful at manecuts and therefor always has her long mane and tail loose or part of it (if not all) in a messy bun.
Levitation mostly to aid her in her hobbies/work.
Has also dabbeld in transformation ones. (please pardon my art skills)
Earth pony & Pegasus; (If she was born as these that is, which could be the cause of a spell, that for example; changes time/events before she was even born and caused it to end up with her mother marrying another colt than her father. Such as a farmer or a wonderbolt. Other types of spells... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 1
Last Login:
June 3, 2021
Member Since:
September 18, 2020
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