Yeah, didn't want to post too long a post on the thread, so here I go.
Tried to go with some kind of rhyme or little poesy... (Judge me, everyone! Judge me and tell me how bad that is!!! :p)
Some night, a moonlight shines,
Such fright, for those in line,
Dear princess Celestia,
L nqrz L'yh ehhq vlohqw iru d zkloh, dqg L'p vruub derxw wkdw... Li brx'uh zruulhg, sdvv wkh "qrupdo" sduw dqg jr gluhfwob wr wkh frghg sduw.
I've really been having a wonderful time in Ponyville for the last two weeks. This town truly is beautiful, and I can't begin to describe how much cool stuff I got to see here.
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Dear princess Celestia, as I told you in my last letter, I have been in Ponyville for the last few days. The little town is as lovely as ever, and seems to be even more thriving than the last time I came.
I went around, encountered some familiar faces, some familiar places, and I even got a chance to visit the recently opened School of Friendship. Princess Twilight Sparkle was kind enough as to allow me to explore the place as much a I'd like, as long as I didn't disturb the students and staff....
Dear princess Celestia, as you advised a few days back, my most recent trip was around Equestria. You were right in saying this would be a nice change of pace for me, since I've started to get used to far away lands, and the places I went to this time were quite interesting.
I'm thankful for this advice, a bit of travel through this beautiful land can be quite calming and I needed this.
The neighagra falls were as beautiful as ever, and the sight from the Foal Mountain was majestic.
On my way...