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Rover Wonder

Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on April 12, 1998
Misc. RP Information
I also have a few more ocs to roleplay with, that I'll add eventually when there's a feature for it or when I feel like writing a page :p
There are:
-Human Rover, a more whimsical Rover who travels through words to visit Equestria
-Balanced Prose, (taken by Huma Valentino), a martial artist who made some bad decisions and deeply regrets them
-Joli Coeur, a pompous Canterlot secret agent who's actually good at his job
-Spector, a detective Catfolk who lives in Manehattan
Common locations your character will be
All around, often near Ponyville when not traveling
Title(s) / Rank
Agent Sol Watcher
Skin / Coat Color
He has a light green coat with a light blue mane
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
An icy mountain with a compass rose
Design Description
Rather tall and athletic, this pegasus is easily recognizable by his impressively large wing. One could even be jealous of them, if they weren't such a hassle. For multiple reasons, Rover is unable to fly, causing those wing to be much more of an hindrance than an asset, which is why he keeps them attached to his body with a special belt most of the time.
Generally seen in a simple brown vest when "casual", he changes clothes depending on the type of terrain he faces during his travels. On the ra... View More
Traveling, challenge, adrenaline, helping, music, and his si
Giving up, swamps, being inactive, artifacts on the fritz
Detailed Personality
Always on the road, Rover love a good adventure. He loves to travel. And he loves himself a good challenge. With all of that, he spends most of his time on the road (or completely off it), travelling all over Equestria and beyond. Though his passion often provokes lonely travels, he fears loneliness the most, with failing and letting somepony down, which causes him to often seek company as he roam the land. This has caused him to learn about many cultures around the world, and to make connection... View More
Traveler, Part time Artifact Keeper for Celestia
A little Hamlet north of Vanhoover
He had a rather normal education in his hometown, and learned about Equestria's history and many ancient and magical artifacts when he started his job for the princess.
During his travels, he has learned about many different cultures and languages, like Griffons, Diamond Dogs, Cat Folks, or more recently Changelings, Dragons and Yaks (those were rather closed to ponies for a long time)
Detailed History
The day he was born, Rover knew one thing: he would never be alone. Because the day he was born, another pony was born: his twin sister Clover.
Clover was adventurous. Always in search of a new place to explore, she never stopped until she was satisfied. Clover always followed his sister, going to the places out of her reach, bringing back objects, memories, emotions to share with her.
That very first day, she seemed fascinated with the beautiful flowers she could see out the window. Noticing, clo... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
He has his parents' home in his Hometown, and a little studio in Canterlot.
--> And a small, temporary cabin near the castle of the two sisters's guard quarter
He is well paid for his little job, and what he doesn't spend in his travels stays in his studio.
Wkh Zdwfkhu'v phgdo. (lqvwuxfwlrqv iru xvh) *qrwh: uhphpehu krz wr fruuhfwob xvh lw, wklv wlph... ohw'v qrw uhshdw wkh iurqw fubvwdo lqflghqw, sohdvh...
Wklv olwwoh ghylfh khos srqlhv ri doo nlqgv ghwhfw pdjlfdo hqhujb. Zkhq lw jorzv, lw phdqv d ... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Even though he has incredibly large wings, he lacks other pegasi's ability to fly. Even the passive magic tied to pegasi that allows them to walk on clouds seems to sometimes dysfunction for him, causing him to have trouble not falling when in the clouds.
But, when the weather is right, he can use his wings to hover using hot air currents, or to at least slow his descent when falling.
He is also quite resilient, and is almost constantly filled with determination.
(His ...experience with a certain c... View More
Well, as a pegasus, he doesn't normally do magic (hey, even his passive pegasus magic rarely works)
But sometimes, when he is touched by a large quantity of magic, he is able to absorb some and reject it (due to the sequels of his crystal experience). Still, no spell he can use
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 12, 1998
Last Login:
June 30, 2021
Member Since:
September 7, 2018
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