Misc. RP Information
//What is this, the 4th time I've brought Nar back?Beating a dead horse. Quite literally.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
With his band, Adventuring
Title(s) / Rank
Senior Adventurer, Bassist
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Slice of Life, Urban, Modern, Anthro
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
An outstretched hand
Design Description
Nar is an average stallion with slightly more strength than would be expected of someone his age. Though a unicorn he looks more the part of an earth pony, and usually relegates magic to manipulating small objects. His shaggy brown mane is always covered by his black banded straw hat with a pair of sleek metallic goggles. He can typically be found wearing an open yellow Hawaiian shirt with a white undershirt, and Cargo pants.
Food, Friends, A good joke, Being helpful
Pessimism, Show-offs, Multiple voices coming from one source
Detailed Personality
Nar is generally an optimistic stallion with a big heart. He's loyal, supportive, and generally willing to give others the benefit of the doubt. Though if spurned he can be rather rude, aggressive, or outright hostile. Despite this, he's basically a big teddy bear who will wrap you up in a blanket, feed you, and listen to your rants when you're upset. He likes to help others feel better, and generally does not expect his friends to do the same for him. This is largely because of his own ability ... View More
Freelance Courier, Bassist
2 semesters in a community college as a Psychology major.E.S.E.E Certified Astral Highway Explorer
Detailed History
1 year after Nar's birth, Nar's mother willingly released custody of her son to her sister, and her husband in order to let him live a life she could never provide for him. Nar grew up knowing his Aunt, and Uncle as his Mother and Father, and has never referred to either as "Aunt" or "Uncle." A year after his adoption, Nar's parents had their first birth child, now Nar's younger sister, Asuka. 2 years alter, they had another child, Hiari.Nar grew up as the protective big brother of his two siste... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A two story house owned by his band.Straw hat he's had since he was a toddlerAn old satchel that he keeps in pristine condition.A pair of in-line skates, modified to adapt to various conditions, and allow for more speed than traditional skates.A completely unused mane brush.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Experienced brawlerProficient in two handed weaponsSense of directionAcceptable bassist
LevitationPrestidigitationMinor IllusionTorch of the Exiled
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1 hour ago
Member Since:
January 3, 2018
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