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Male. Lives in Phendrana Drifts,  Beyond Equestria. Born on March 24, 1992
Misc. RP Information
Name: Sarcon Solaris
Age: 7 - 23 years
Race: Alicorn/Wolf-god mix
Horn: phantom horn (only shows during magic use)
Personality: kind & caring
Hight: 2ft - 8ft 9in
Weight: Ummm you don't want to know..
Fur color: Gray and black
Eye color: Left eye blue right eye green
SO: Straight
Occupation: Prince
Kingdom's name: Phendrana Drifts
Birth mother: Princess Solaria (Deceased)
Birth father: Fenrir (Deceased?)
Nightmare form info
Name: Nanaki Solaris
Age: 7 - 23 years
Race: Alicorn/Wolf-god mix
Horn: Phantom horn... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Phendrana Drifts, Canterlot, everywheres
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Sarcon: Black and Gray / Nanaki: Black with blue arcane rune
Eye Color
Sarcon: Left eye blue right eye green / Nanaki: Glowing blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Wolf paw with the four elements in the paw tips
His family, friends, Video games, Playing music, His violin
Being mistaken for a griffin.
Detailed Personality
Sarcon Is a kind and gentle soul for a half breed he does have an temper but that only comes up if he is in an argument. His nightmare side you want to avoid at all cost due to its chaotic nature and love of blood shed. He doesn't always kill but instead pulls ponies into a pocket dimension where he tortures them with fear then leaves them back where hes found like like a bad dream.
Phendrana Drift
The castle scholars, His mother, As well as Princess celestia and Princess Luna
Detailed History
Sarcon Is the son of Princess Solaria daughter of Princess Celestia. He was born roughly 40 years after Twilight takes the crown and his mother left to start her own kingdom. She founded the kingdom of Phendrana Drifts located deep in the frozen north in a massive cave system. The kingdom its self is massive and highly advanced in technology. His father was a malevolent wolf called Fenrir. Sarcon doesn't know much about him since he left before he was born, But his Mother always told him was kin... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A kingdom
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Flight and his magic,
Igni, A wall of flame
Quen, A protective shield
Axii, leaves enemies in a confused state while standing in place.
Aard, A telekinesis blast
Yrden, A magical trap placed on the ground, which will wound and immobilize opponents
Blink, Short range rapid teleportation
Somne, Used to put the target to sleep
Long range portals
Many more.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 24, 1992
Last Login:
September 21, 2022
Member Since:
November 27, 2020
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